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Membership Information



The club offers three types of membership:


Full – full access to the club, voting rights at general meetings, entitled to flying instruction and when suitably qualified may fly solo.


Student - for people under the age of 18, or full time students (at least 20 hours per week of course attendance) up to 26 years old. They do not pay a joining fee and do not have voting rights at general meetings. 


Associate – may fly as passengers at visitor rates.




If you have any doubt regarding health issues that may impair your ability to fly safely, including weight, you are strongly advised to consult your GP before applying for membership. Weight limitations are shown in detail here.




Joining Fee – There is a joining fee of $150.00. All applicants for full membership pay this fee unless they are a member of another club which would waive joining fees for our members.


Annual Subscription – All members except honorary life members pay an annual subscription. The club financial year runs from 1 July to 30 June.


Full Members - $395.00

Student Members - $120.00

Associate Members - $30.00


When you first join the club you will be billed a pro-rata amount which will take you up to the end of the current financial year.  After that, you will be billed the full 12 month membership on the due date.


Gliding Federation of Australia – All flying members must be members of the Gliding Federation of Australia (GFA). The GFA administers the sport of gliding at a national level. It oversees flying standards, training, airworthiness of gliders and maintenance. Members of the GFA also receive the quarterly magazine ‘Gliding Australia’. GFA subscriptions are paid online at


 GFA membership fees:

 Full membership - $320.00

 Student membership - $166.00





You can apply online by completing and submitting this form. Alternatively you can print out and complete the hard copy application form (hand this to the duty crew at the airfield or scan and forward to the membership secretary at


When your application is received by the membership secretary, you will be sent a pro-rata bill which is to be paid into the club account (details below). The club committee will then consider your application and you will be advised accordingly. 


Commonwealth Bank of Australia (ANU Branch)

BSB: 062903, Account Number: 10007863, Account Name: Canberra Gliding Club Incorporated.



You will be provided with two important books, Basic Gliding Knowledge (BGK) and a Pilot Log Book. You should study your BGK carefully as you will use much of the information during your flying training and will be questioned on certain aspects as you progress. You will receive a copy of the new members notes that can also be accessed here: Member Notes



Once your club and GFA membership are confirmed you are able to commence training as a glider pilot. All instruction is provided free of charge.

The training syllabus can be downloaded here: Syllabus

You should keep a copy of this syllabus with your log book. As you progress, your instructor will make comments and sign off various aspects of your training on this document.



The current schedule of launch fees and glider hire, including our flat rate flying scheme can be accessed here: 

Membership Fees, Launch and Glider Hire Charges



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Canberra Gliding Club operates from Bunyan Airfield, also known as the Cooma Soaring Centre, beside the Monaro Highway, about 12km North of Cooma.

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